Facebook Pixel Code Reveal Radiant Skin: The Power of Stardom Facial

Reveal Radiant Skin: The Power of Stardom Facial

24 Nov 2023 Posted By Skinlogics

Have you been in the quest for a youthful, radiant complexion? Consider an innovative face rejuvenation treatment with Skinlogics- the Stardom Facial in Noida!

This article delves into the details of stardom facial. Exploring everything about it can help you make the most informed decision about whether it’s the right option for your skincare needs.

What is Stardom Facial?

Stardom Facial is an innovative laser skin resurfacing treatment that offers instant refreshed, rejuvenated, softer, smoother, firmer, and radiant skin. It involves the power of a carbon face mask and a non-ablative Q-switched laser to exfoliate the skin.

At Skinlogics Clinic, this amazing skin glow treatment in Noida is performed and has helped many men and women to get a partly-like glow in their skin with this amazing treatment.

What concerns can Stardom Facial address?

Stardom facial is performed to treat:

  • Acne and its scarring
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Skin pigmentation disorders
  • Photoaging
  • Enlarged and clogged pores
  • Fines lines and wrinkles
  • Dull complexion
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Rough skin texture
  • Oily skin
  • Signs of premature ageing.

How does Stardom Facial work?

In stardom facial, the face is first applied with activated carbon lotion that helps absorb extra sebum, dirt, and cell debris deep within the skin and clogged pores as it dries out.

Next, a warming laser light is directed onto the carbon-covered skin to help heat it and bind it better to the skin.

Thereafter, pulsed laser light is focused on the treatment area to thermally destroy the carbon into fragments.

These fragments along with their adsorbed substances are zapped away from the facial skin with the help of a vacuum suction. As a result, the skin gets properly cleansed and exfoliated. The heat from the laser offers additional benefits.

It helps shrink the sebaceous glands to reduce sebum production, kill the acne-causing bacteria, and boost collagen and elastin synthesis that firms, smoothens, softens, and plumps the skin.

What to expect from a stardom facial?

Before the stardom facial, the candidates are advised to not use retinol-based skin products for around a week and apply sunblock daily. They need to schedule a consultation with a dermatologist in Noida at Skinlogics to determine their candidacy for this procure

The stardom facial procedure involves three steps:

Application of carbon lotion- Firstly, the skin to be treated is thoroughly cleaned and dried. Next, a thin layer of carbon lotion is applied to prepare the skin for exfoliation. After the application, the lotion is left undisturbed to dry.

Use of a warming laser- For this step, the candidate and the practitioner both wear an eye shield to protect their eyes from the laser. The practitioner passes low laser light energy from a Q-switched laser device over the face to heat the carbon lotion.

Use of pulsating laser- The last step is the peeling of the carbon lotion with the help of a short pulse Q-switched laser at a high energy setting of 1060 nm wavelength. The laser device is fitted with a vacuum suction that helps eliminate carbon along with its adsorbed impurities.   

After a stardom facial, the candidates can maximize their benefits and ensure proper healing by following the recommended essential aftercare tips:

  • Avoid applying makeup for at least 24 hours to allow the skin to heal and breathe.
  • Apply a gentle, hydrating moisturizer on the treated skin after a few days to ensure well-nourished skin and to encourage healing.
  • Daily drink plenty of water to keep skin hydrated.
  • Refrain from using any harsh or skin-irritating skincare products such as those having retinoids and exfoliants. 
  • Protect the treated skin from direct sun damage by wearing sun-protective clothing and applying broad-spectrum sunscreen with high SPF when going outside.

Suitable Candidates for Stardom Facial

Stardom facial is generally suitable for people of all ages and most skin types. Ideal candidates are healthy men and women who hold realistic expectations from their treatment outcome and are committed to following a good skin care regimen and healthy lifestyle. However, it is not an appropriate treatment if an individual has dark skin, very dry skin, a recent sunburn, or severe acne.

Benefits of Stardom Facial

Stardom facial can help deeply exfoliate the skin and boost collagen synthesis, ultimately rewarding the candidate with healthy, youthful, glowing skin. This facial is better than a chemical peel treatment as it requires no downtime and people with sensitive skin or conditions like eczema experience less irritation or redness following the treatment. It is a safe, effective, quick, painless, and even affordable aesthetic skin treatment for mild to moderate skin concerns. This comfortable state-of-the-art technology can be performed in adjunct with other aesthetic procedures such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion.

Stardom Facials Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does the treatment hurt?

No. During the treatment, you might normally experience a slight warm pin pricking or tingling sensation while the laser thermally destroys and takes out the thin layer of carbon.

2. How many sessions of stardom facials will I need to achieve the desired results?

Stardom facials can be repeated in 2-3 weeks. This timeframe allows collagen and elastin fibres to regenerate within the skin. The improvement in the skin appearance is noticeable after a single facial session. However, the desired long-term outcomes can be noticed after a course of 2-6 treatments.

The exact number of sessions depends upon the specific skin concern being treated, the severity of the skin condition, and the expected desired outcome. Following the initial facials, maintenance sessions are recommended to ensure long-lasting flawless skin.

3. Are there any side effects of undergoing a stardom facial?

Stardom Facial is an extremely safe treatment associated with no major complications if performed by an experienced and licensed aesthetician. There are minimal side effects such as slight tingling and redness lasting for a few hours after the treatment. On the treated skin, hair may be temporarily shed in some people and some people may experience a mild outbreak after a week of the treatment.

4. How long do the results last?

The longevity of the results obtained by Stardom Facial will depend upon your skin condition, skin type, and lifestyle.

5. How lengthy is the treatment?

The entire treatment course includes a consultation, the application of carbon paste, and the use of a laser technique. The procedure lasts for about 30-45 minutes.

Stardom Facial is a popular skin brightening treatment in Noida and one can get its benefits only at Skinlogics Clinic, they can opt for this procedure anytime and before any party to add the glow to their skin!

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