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Six Important Things To Know Before Hair Transplant Surgery

04 Dec 2023 Posted By Skinlogics

Hair is regarded as the most significant aspect of a charming personality. Balding can be a significant turnoff for most people because hair loss can lead to low self-esteem and confidence issues. Even if hair loss is inherited, it can be treated with a hair transplant.

Hair fall and hair loss are common problems that we all face. It can occur for a variety of reasons, including heredity and nutritional inadequacies. Baldness can cause a lot of anxiety and a loss of self-esteem. There are several treatments available, one of which is hair transplantation.

Hair transplantation in Noida performed at Skinlogics Clinic is one such medical development that can restore hair. It is a surgical procedure used to restore lost hair in people who have baldness or severe hair loss. It is a painless procedure with long-lasting and natural results. A hair transplant has a low risk of failure and no serious side effects when performed by an expert.

A hair transplant relieves the suffering of many people and restores their attractive appearance.

The following are the things one should be aware of before undergoing a hair transplant treatment.

1. Ideal candidate for hair transplantation

It is critical to understand what makes a person appropriate for a hair transplant. Since hair transplant surgery does not stop the progression of hair loss, a person whose hair loss is stabilized is the ideal candidate for the treatment. It is not recommended to undergo hair transplant surgery at a young age or when hair loss has just begun because it may hasten hair loss.

Medical authorities believe that the age of 25 is the ideal age for a transplant in order for the treatment to be successful and retain proper looks and cosmetics. By then, the patient's hair fall rate has greatly stabilised, making it easier for the surgeon to determine how much grafting is required. Patients who have the procedure at a younger age may continue to lose hair because hair loss is a progressive disorder.

2. Hair transplantation is not an enchanted experience

Before undergoing hair transplant surgery in Noida or anywhere in the globe, it is critical to understand that hair regrowth differs from person to person. The success rate of the process should be considered before deciding on any treatment. Hair transplant before and after results largely depend on the patient's hair quality. If the hair in the donor area is sparse and delicate, the recipient area may have the same hair quality. In addition, getting a hair transplant is not going to give patients a full head of dense hair.

3. Hair transplants are permanent

The main benefit of this surgery is that the hair that is transplanted is permanent. Some people may require a second hair transplant procedure. Furthermore, those who undergo some other types of treatments or sickness post-procedure may lose their transplanted hair. On the other hand, the transplants are usually permanent if the patient has no underlying illnesses.

The cost of a hair transplant varies depending on the procedure itself. FUT and FUE are the two types of procedures. When compared to FUE, the former is more affordable.

Although hair restoration treatment is a very non-invasive procedure with no risks involved, both FUE and FUT have some side effects. FUT procedure typically results in a linear surgical scar from where the donor's hair was taken out. FUE, on the other hand, can leave minimal dot-shaped surgical scars. FUT requires more time to heal than FUE, which takes about 1 to 2 weeks.

Whether an individual has FUE or FUT will be determined by several factors that one should discuss with their hair transplant specialist.

4. Some discomfort is expected

It is a surgical treatment; therefore, some discomfort is to be expected. However, steps are being taken to ensure comfort and a quick recovery. The experience is determined by the procedure used and the knowledge of the surgeons performing the treatment. One can choose a specialized hair transplant clinic in Noida like Skinlogics Clinic, where highly skilled surgeons and innovative techniques are available. This is one of the most cutting-edge procedures available today, allowing patients to return to their normal schedule in just three days.

Another thing to look for while undergoing a surgical treatment is how modern and hygienic the operating room is. Inquire about the clean room protocols that are used to maintain the operating room clean.

5. Post-operative care is a must

Hair transplantation is a medical procedure that may involve a post-operative care component that is equally as important as the surgical procedure itself. If an individual is receiving their transplant from another country, they must ensure that the facility provides post-operative care. The following are the most common post-operative cares one must consider:

  • The first thing hair transplant care after surgery is one should avoid after a hair transplant is shampooing their hair. 
  • After 3 days, one should wash the hair at least twice a day for the next 2 weeks. One will relax their hair following transplantation in this way. 
  • Massages in the hair transplant area should be avoided regularly. Since the hair follicles may not have settled completely, the roots may fall out as a result of the massage.
  • Use only the products suggested by the doctor while caring for the hair after transplantation. The nape area, in particular, should be cleansed with a specialist-recommended shampoo. During the washing process, normal movements should be avoided.
  • Avoid using hair-style products such as gel after hair transplantation. During the first two weeks, avoid using any gel, spray, or other hair styling products on the hair.

6. After a hair transplant, the hair can be treated normally

If an individual gets a hair transplant, they can treat their new hair just like their "old" hair. To put it another way, one can shampoo, condition, and style it regularly. One of the main benefits of hair transplant is that patients will begin to look and feel more normal. Once the new hair begins to regrow, an individual can cut it into any style they like. The ability to treat the transplanted hair regularly is one of the factors that make this choice appealing to so many people.

Hair transplant in Noida can be a life-changing treatment for you. You can get back your lost confidence after undergoing this procedure.

Do visit Skinlogics Clinic if you are living in Delhi/NCR and looking for the best clinic to undergo this amazing hair restoration surgery and want to learn more about hair transplant surgery cost in India in detail.

Also Read: Explore Various Hair Loss Treatments Available in Noida